Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Don't Give Up On Me Yet...

My computer is dead and seeing as it's summer, getting it fixed is not on the top of our to do list. I miss blogging and staying up to date on life outside my little bubble. I'll return soon- hopefullly!

Saturday, June 9, 2007


This was taken just two days ago, mid diaper change. As soon as that diapers off she tries to escape- unfortunately for her she can't crawl yet.

Hanging out in the nice warm laundry

Tayah peacin' it out (with my nose in the corner!)

Haha- I love this picture! I think she looks like Danny Devito.

We actually used to sleep all night like this. She was so colicky that we didn't dare put her down after she'd finally fallen asleep!

11 days old- This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Tayah. She looks like such a little bean!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I got caught up in all the excitment of everyone updating their blogs that I neglected to update mine!

I did get my camera back but I can't find the little chord thingy to get the pictures from my camera to the computer! My little girl is growing and changing so fast and I would really like to share her with you.

Today we hooked up the jolly jumper and she was so excited she jumped for about half an hour and as soon as I took her out she fell fast alseep, in spite of the fact she'd just had a nap about an hour earlier.

This weekend we spent all day Saturday working on our front yard which looked like a jungle, and you know what?... it still does!!! I have no idea what to do with it. They're isn't any lawn, it's just all random plants growing everywhere. I'm not much of a random person (although I am a fan of the word), I like a little more structure, so this frustrates me a little.

Trent is home this week, which I could not be more happy about. I have so much respect for single mothers. I don't know how they do it. By the end of last week I was ready to shave my head and check into rehab. Tayah is a wonderful little girl and I love spending time with her, but she is still a baby and being %100 responsible for her well being is very draining. It's releiving just to have someone else with you while listening to her cry. It's also very helpful to have someone around that knows how to put her to sleep. Last night, when we put her to bed she was not happy about it at all. Trent went and sang to her and she went right to sleep. That never happens when I sing to her, and I don't blame her one bit.

I'd also like to mention that while I was in Calgary my husband attended a going away party for his friend Angela. It was there that someone (he apologizes for not remembering her name) told him that they read this blog. I am SO excited about this because I read people's, who I've never met, blogs all the time! So please leave me a comment because I would love to know who you are and read your blog- if I don't already.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Last night I dreamt that Tayah was walking up the stairs at my Grandma's house all by herself. When I saw her on the stairs my initial reaction was- I can't wait to blog about this! Then I woke up! I thought I should write about it anyway because not very often does one dream of blogging.

My little wee below is not climbing stairs but she is rolling and inching herself all around the living room. She has her front two bottom teeth and loves to show them off (or maybe that's me?). She also had some squash last night which she devoured while simultaneously creating an abstract masterpiece all over herself and the kitchen. A very exciting life one leads at 6 months.

For all of you facebookers out there, you probably already know that it has made it's way into our lives. It is a very cool concept and I'm still trying to figure it all out however there is definitely a dark side. For one, it has turned my normally attentive and adoring husband into a pompous internet (WARNING: bad language alert!)whore! For him it's not about keeping in touch with people- it's a competition to see how many friends he can get. Feel free to boo him publicly on his wall. Secondly Kristin does not blog anymore... and this makes me very sad.

This weekend I am going to Calgary where I will retrieve my camera. I will post some pictures when I get home!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dear Mom,

I appreciate you for so many reasons- even more now that I have my own little one. Thank you for insight and your gentle guidance. As well as for your unwavering support, no matter what my decisions. You have such a great sense of humor and I love that when I come home I know that I'll lose a pound or two laughing. This last year has been a tough one for you and you've shown such strength, always putting your family first. I love you so much and couldn't ask for a greater role model to look to as I raise Tayah.


P.S. You're pretty hott for a Grandma!!!
Happy Mother's Day!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

New Addition

Friday May 4th
2:00- went to look at van possibility for Hoja (and inquire about leasing for us)
6:00- BOUGHT a car!!!!

I love our Elantra. It isn't mean looking, I love the color, and best of all it has a five year bumper to bumper warranty! No more trips to the mechanic, no more headaches, no more stress. I am so in love- I even peered out the window at it the first night, when I got up to feed Tayah (I know how lame that sounds but I couldn't help it!). Oh, and our salesman was possibly the best salesperson I've ever dealt with. AND his name is Edwin! Who wouldn't want to deal with a person with a name like Edwin?! The name makes me happy just thinking about it.

We took the new addition of our family to Edmonton this weekend. Trent had a show Saturday night so Tayah and I had a girly night at the hotel watching Americas Next Top Model & Britain's Next Top Model. I also devoured two bags of chips and a chocolate bar- had Tayah been old enough I would have shared. It was the perfect girls night in!

Sunday we spent the day at West Ed Mall, before coming home. Tayah lost one of her Robeez (the only pair of shoes she had that actually stayed on), so we bought a new pair for her except these ones are made by... wait for it.... Bebe Bean! How perfect is that! Plus they were cuter and cheaper than the Robeez,and they stay on just as well. It was a wonderful weekend.

I love just picking up and going, not having to worry about if it conflicts with my work schedule or not. My work comes with me. Now if only we could get rid of our Passat, life would be perfect.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Pissed Off Cars

Our car is cursed- not even kidding- not even a little. If not cursed then God is strongly signalling that he wants us to get rid of it. Either way-our car hating us, or God hating our car- it needs to go! Which raises the question; do we buy something old or lease something new?

We are leaning towards leasing at the moment. That leads to the question; what do we lease? Trent likes the Honda Civic- I think the Civic is too mean looking, or maybe just too serious looking. I want something that looks happy or at the very least content. Trent thinks this is ridiculous. Personally, after getting up three or more times a night with a teething baby and changing an infinate amount of dirty diapers, the last thing I want to deal with is a car that looks like it has P.M.S.. I don't think this is too much to ask.

Any ideas on happy yet cool looking cars?